Can Mineral Water be Bad for You?

Even very little percentage of minerals found in regular Drinking water has a big impact on your health playing a beneficial role in maintaining your health. Calcium and magnesium are very important for your bones that keeps your bone strong. While magnesium helps to regulate your blood pressure, calcium is an important source for your bones. People who live in certain areas where the underground water they drink containing low levels of minerals prone to higher risk of Heart Disease.

Is Mineral Water Bad?

Mineral water is actually good considering the fact that they should contain a balanced percentage of minerals added per every litre of water. Some may be afraid that carbonated water could be harmful to their tooth enamel. The carbonation in mineral water whether it is natural or artificially added will just have just slightly higher level of acidic than your tap water but not as acidic as flavored sodas. Soda can be hard on your tooth enamel but again it is just because of the carbonation but with sugar and the extreme acidity. Now, studies show that you have nothing to worry about Mineral Water as they are not harmful to your teeth instead minerals help to strengthen them.

However, the issue here is which mineral water you are consuming and who you are (your place that matters). Certain companies were importing mineral waters across the borders whichever country it may be but now they have started to pack mineral waters within the reach of the marketing boundaries.

Mineral waters must have all minerals; calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium in an appropriate level. What is the percentage of minerals a bottle of water should have? Here it is very difficult to answer as it should not be seen from the perspective of minerals that water constitutes but it is entirely based on the region of people who are consuming it. An imported brand mineral water might be sweet and tasty but being water which is the basic source of minerals that adds to your body it must match your body’s requirement not going high or low.

Not going more deep scientific in this discussion, the best way to chose your water is to look if the mineral water is processed in your area, region or country so that your body suits to it. Or otherwise it is not harm but it is good to avoid as it is quite natural that out system will not like someone forcing it to be the way you want.

Mineral water is not bad if you are aware of these factors but going for the traditional way of storing and drinking water from a mud-pot resolves a lot of your health issues. Water (without boiling) poured into a mud pot and kept for more than 4 hours (approximately) absorbs all unwanted elements that could be harmful to our health and leaving it clean for us to consume. Not just absorbs the dirt elements but also keeps the minerals retained in the water itself which normally disappears when your boil the water. This is very much a traditional way of purifying the water for drinking purpose. However, in today’s busy life these cannot be followed all the time but at least this can be done well at home, comfortably.

Conclusively, when you are out on a trip or on your daily schedules consume a mineral water which is not imported. At home, it is best to use the naturally processed water – Mud Pot Water.

One Response to Can Mineral Water be Bad for You?

  1. Kierra

    Your atirlce was excellent and erudite.